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Cable Single Arm Bicep Curl

This is a great exercise for targeting and strengthening your biceps, one of the key muscle groups in your upper body. Using a cable machine for this exercise allows for smooth and continuous resistance throughout the entire range of motion, which can help to improve muscle activation and growth. In this exercise, you’ll use a D-handle attachment on a low cable pulley to perform a single-arm bicep curl. Here are the steps to properly execute this exercise.

How to perform Cable Single Arm Bicep Curl

  1. Attach a D-handle to a low cable pulley and take hold of it 40 cm away. Assume an underhand grip (palm facing upright).
  2. Stand upright with your back straight and facing the cable. Rest your elbow on your torso and have your arm straight. This is your starting position.
  3. Exhale as you curl the handle up towards your shoulder by contracting your bicep. Keep your upper arm stationary and only move your forearm.
  4. Continue the movement until your bicep reaches full contraction and the handle is at shoulder level.
  5. Hold the position for a second as you squeeze your bicep.
  6. Inhale as you slowly begin to return your arm along the same path to the starting position, still contracting your bicep throughout.
  7. Repeat the movement for the desired number of repetitions before switching to the other arm.

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