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Cable Rear Delt Fly

The Cable Rear Delt Fly is a popular exercise that targets the rear deltoid muscles of the shoulders, helping to improve upper body strength, posture, and stability. This exercise is performed using a cable machine with two parallel cables and can be done by individuals of all fitness levels. By following proper form and technique, you can effectively engage your rear deltoid muscles while avoiding injury. In this exercise, you will cross the cables over each other while keeping them at shoulder height, forming a wide arcing motion that helps to activate and strengthen the rear deltoids. In the following steps, we will explain how to properly perform the Cable Rear Delt Fly exercise.

How to perform Cable Rear Delt Fly

  1. Start by removing the handles from two parallel cables on a cable machine.
  2. Adjust the height of the pulleys so they are above your head and adopt a standing, shoulder-width stance between them.
  3. Take hold of the left cable with your right hand and the right cable with your left hand. Your arms should be at full extension together with a slight
  4. bend at your elbows. This will be your starting position.
  5. Now, exhale and pull the cables back, crossing them over and keeping them at about shoulder height. Form a wide arcing motion with your arms.
  6. Refrain from leaning backward to help lift the weights and keep your back in a straight position with your abs braced.
  7. Hold the position for a brief pause, squeezing your shoulder blades together and contracting your rear deltoid muscles.
  8. Inhale and slowly return your hands to the starting position, maintaining control and keeping the cables at about shoulder height.
  9. Repeat the movement for the desired number of repetitions, focusing on proper form and muscle activation throughout the exercise.

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