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Gironda Sternum Grip Chin Up

The underhand grip pull-up is a challenging exercise that targets the upper back muscles, primarily the latissimus dorsi or “lats.” It is a bodyweight exercise that requires a pull-up bar or other sturdy overhead apparatus, and can be performed by people of all fitness levels, with variations to suit individual needs. Proper form is essential to avoid injury and get the most out of this exercise. In this procedure, we will outline the steps to perform underhand grip pull-ups with correct form, including tips to ensure maximum effectiveness and safety.

How to perform Gironda Sternum Grip Chin Up

  1. Grasp the pull-up bar with a shoulder-width underhand grip.
  2. Hang with your arms fully extended, chest out, and leaning back. You will be leaning back throughout the entire movement. This is your starting position.
  3. Start pulling yourself towards the bar with your spine arched and head leaning back as far away from the bar as possible. Exhale as you perform this portion of the movement.
  4. Keep pulling until your collarbone passes the bar and your lower chest or sternum area touches it. Hold the contraction for a second. By this point, your head will be parallel to the floor and your hips and legs will be at about a 45-degree angle to the floor.
  5. Slowly start going back to the starting position as you inhale.

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