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Light Wheel Barrow – Core

The light wheelbarrow is a foundational movement in Pilates practice, perfect for building core strength while also targeting the shoulders and chest. This exercise focuses on stability and control, offering a dynamic way to improve posture and enhance overall body strength. You’ll probably find this exercise useful in several aspects of your fitness routine.

Exercise Breakdown

  • Kneel on the reformer carriage, toes tucked securely into the shoulder pads.
  • Place your hands shoulder-width apart on the foot bars, allowing your outer and inner strength to work together.
  • Engage the core by tucking the tailbone under to create a straight line from the head to the knees.
  • In the moment, push the carriage out slowly as you inhale, keeping the body aligned.
  • Exhale as you pull the carriage back in, maintaining that straight line.

Muscles Worked

  • Core
  • Shoulders
  • Chest

Pro Tip

Keep the tailbone tucked throughout the movement. This prevents your core from switching off and helps maintain proper alignment, maximizing the benefits of the exercise. You’ll feel your human strength flow right through your body during this pose.

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