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The Secret of Self-Confidence

Doubts. We all have them. At work, we know we’re only as good as our latest success. If we’re in a relationship, we worry that we’ll screw it up, or that perhaps our partner doesn’t care about us as much…

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Losing Fat vs. Losing Weight

Losing weight is bad. What!? Of course losing weight isn’t bad. It’s what the majority of us are struggling to do. Well...yes and no. What we’re really working towards is losing fat. Here’s why losing weight is bad, and it’s…

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The Most Effective Fat Loss Method

If you haven't already I strongly recommend you read my two previous posts before reading this one. Why Does Our Body Store Fat, and Foods That Make Us Fat form a foundation for all future articles on exercise and weight loss. You Don't…

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Foods That Make Us Fat

This post about foods that make us fat, along with my previous post: Why Does Our Body Store Fat, form a foundation for all future articles on exercise and weight loss. If you haven’t read that post, please do so…

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The Benefits of Self-Control

Do you often have the feeling that the course of your life is largely out of your control? That’s because it is. That great job can evaporate overnight due to a change in the economy or corporate downsizing. Your relationship…

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Why Do We Get Fat?

Have you ever wondered why your body stores fat in the first place? Of course we all know that if we eat more calories than our body burns, we’ll gain weight and if we eat less, we’ll lose weight. But…

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